
IES LLoixa is a secondary, baccalaureate education school including  administration and finance vocational training.The staff consists of 59 teachers. we have  650 students who come  from the town of  S. Joan. The percentage of foreign students (7,68 %) is high and growing; the number of students with special educational needs is approximately 4,6%. All pupils learn English as their first foreign language and French as a second language. In addition, all of them must learn “valenciano”, the language of our community.

Our school works as a training centre for future secondary teachers. We also have plurilingual programs in secondary levels using CLIL methodology.

ITE Paolo Savi is a secondary education general school ,( technical and economic ), including  tourism  and  administration, finance and marketing  and international relations for marketing. This year  our institute has been enriched by a school evening course and by a course  in the penitentiary of our city district .The staff consists of 121 units . Our 951 students come  from the town of Viterbo and from the neighboring villages; the percentage of foreign students (11%) is high and growing; the number of students with special educational needs (BES / DSA) is approximately 4%. All pupils learn English as their first foreign language and French, German and Spanish as a second and third language.

The professional school ISSEC Pigier is a private high school under contract of association with the State. It has the Lycée des métiers label and is located in Toulouse. The structure is linked to a technical high school preparing for BTS Assistant Manager, Small Business Management Assistant, MUC, Bank and NRC.

Specialized in the tertiary sector, we have studies  related with  “Financial Services” and “Professionals Gestion-Administration, Sales and Trade”. We have about 200 students for the LP, mainly from middle-class, disadvantaged, and about 250 students for the LT. These pupils aged 15 to 20, often in school failure after school.Chaotic, are of diverse cultural, religious and social origins and require special accompaniment in order to restore confidence and develop self-esteem.

We are a team of about 60 professors on the LP and the LT. Administrative staff are also involved, as they participate in the management of parent-child, parent-student and student-employer conflicts; It is a facilitator in the access to girls’ education, in the monitoring of their schooling and in the fight against dropping out.

The student, a learning subject, is at the heart of our devices. A “mediation” service helps young people and teachers to respond to issues related to gender and work.

The teacher, trainer, educator, referent and facilitator works by including the time and distance required for learning of each one.Teaching and educational teams affirm a policy of accompanying high school students throughout their training.

Vasile Lovinescu College is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) high-school situated in North-Eastern part of Romania, Suceava Region, Falticeni town. We have 1784 students, educated and professionally trained by 114 teaching staff members. The College provides professional  training in the technological branch, the following profiles and specializations:

-technical field: Computer maintenance, Construction and Civil engineering, Mechanics;

– Services field – Economic and Public Administration activities, Hotel Industry, Food Industry;

– in the field of natural resources and environmental protection – Ecology and Environment Quality Protection, Food Analysis, Veterinarians, Forestry, Horticulture, Agri-tourism.

The Theoretical branch offers specialization in Mathematics – Informatics and Social Science, daily and reduced frequency classes.

Through these qualifications there can be achieved the following key competences for all students: communication and numeracy, communication in a foreign language, ICT , problem solving, social and cultural expression competences, etc. as well as general and specialized technical skills. The school has to cover many types of knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by the future graduates. That’s why we are active in many educational and extracurricular domains of instruction.

We had some opportunities to improve our learning conditions, by equipping our classrooms with new computers, interactive boards, projectors, professional tools in the Mechanical, Construction and Agriculture fields, by transforming our cafeteria in a space for practical training in Food industry field, or by increasing the number of IT labs. Two years ago we were among the beneficiaries of a project which provided free extra preparatory hours for those, who prepared themselves for the graduation exams.

We have, additional to our Business and Economics specialties, a virtual business incubator, where our students learn, during their theoretical and practical classes, how to start and manage their own business in various areas. Some of the former participants have already graduated from Economic faculties They have participated and received a lot of prizes at regional and national competitions. Many virtual enterprises managed by our students are in the field of agri-business, healthy food, traditional and hand-made clothes and items, organising events, virtual travel agencies, etc.

Majority of our students come from a rural area including 16 administrative units, situated in a 50 km distance range. We have a boarding school with excellent accommodation offer and a school canteen, but most of our students prefer commuting everyday.

Muğla Provincial Directorate of National Education is one of the Provincial National Education Directorates which is established to plan, program, manage, supervise, develop and evaluate the provincial level tasks of the Ministry of National Education. The duties were determined by a regulation prepared by the Ministry of National Education.

In general lines, our Directorate is a local authority that provides services in the fields of;

– Management Services

– Staff Services

Education Services

– Investment Services

– Research Planning and Statistics Services

– Inspection Guidance and Investigation Services

– Civil Defense Services

– In-Service Teacher Training Unit

There are 23 departments under these main services and the related business and operations are carried out under the supervision and coordination of 3 Provincial National Education Director, 3 Assistant Principals and 10 Branch Audits.

There are 13 Provincial Directorates of National Education, 13 Public Education Centers, 6 Vocational Training Centers, 6 Art Schools, 3 Guidance and Research Centers, 1 Special Education Center, 1 Science Art Center and 978 schools under the directorate. The total number of personnel of the institution is 12.956.

A total of 147,522 students are studying and 12,001 teachers are carrying out educational activities in the affiliated institutions.