School trip to Scotland (Viaje fin de curso de Bachillerato a Edimburgo)

Como todos los años, el departamento de inglés se ha ocupado de organizar el viaje de Bachillerato (1.º y 2.º), este curso nuevamente a Edimburgo. La capital de Escocia es un destino habitual para grupos de estudiantes que les permite mejorar la práctica de su inglés, así como conocer una de las capitales más hermosas de Europa.

The teachers han preparado una crónica de dicho viaje:

Last Tuesday 25th February, a group of 30 Bachillerato students and three teachers set off on a lovely trip to Scotland. During five days we could visit the beautiful cities of Inverness, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Our first destination was the city of Inverness, where we could visit its famous Castle, the Church and its cemetery. On the following morning, we took a boat trip on the Loch Ness looking for its mythical monster, and we also visited the ruins of the magnificent Urquhart Castle situated on its shore. After that, on the way to Edinburgh we dropped by Culloden battlefield, where the famous battle between English and Scottish troops took place in 1746.

Once in Edinburgh we visited its Castle, where we could learn about the interesting history of the city and admire the Crown Jewels, also known as The Honours of Scotland. We had a walk along the Royal Mile until we reached the Palace of Holyroodhouse, where we could see an interesting exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci´s drawings at the Queen’s Gallery.

On the next day, we took the train to our last destination, the rainy city of Glasgow. There, we visited the stunning Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, the most important museum in the city. We could also enjoy the beautiful views of the city from the Lighthouse and the amazing graffiti murals which decorate most of the buildings in the centre.

Las profes

From the breathtaking landscapes in the Highlands to the ancient buildings in Edinburgh and, despite the freezing temperatures, it was the perfect opportunity to learn about a different culture: its traditions, its history, its architecture… and to practise the language they have been learning in the classrooms!!!

For most of our students, this was their first time in a foreign country. We hope to have awaken their interest in travelling!!!