Here you have the video that summarizes our Science project from this last month. It has been super fun making slime in class!

Scientists & STATES of MATTER

During these weeks students have been bringing some information about important scientists around the world and we have known a little bit more about them.

We also learnt about the different states of matter and we have created some visual posters using “molecules“. Now we can understand what a non-newtonian fluid is and how it works!

Science or Magic?

Here you have the video we watched the first day of our project session. It was really interesting to see some experiments that look like magic! Awesome!!

Margarita Salas – An exceptional scientist

We have been learning some words related to Science such as research, test tube, coat or scientist. We also have met one of the most important Spanish scientist in the last fifty years, Margarita Salas. Let’s know a little bit more about her!

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