WELCOME TO 3rd Grade English Class


October is an important month in our English classes!

During these days, Freddy our assistant, told us about Halloween in his country, USA.

We have been playing different games and we finally had an escape room! Students were cursed and were about to turn into zombies unless they opened a box with a potion inside. And in the end, they got it!


Here you have some of the songs and games we played in our 3rd grade classes to review vocabulary!

Hope you enjoy them! Lots of kisses



These weeks we have been practising vocabulary and grammar playing some games through learning stations.

We also painted our self-portrait using “Big Summer Glasses” in Arts. It was cool!

Great job!

STATIONS – Numbers, colours, days and months

We can’t end the month without playing! Five stations to work on different skills: reading & writing and oral comprehension and production.

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