
Primary school students have access to several review and extension workbooks and worksheets on the LiveWorksheets website.

Currently, there are workbooks for the three language areas (Valencian, Spanish, and English), as well as for Mathematics and Science.

How to log in?


Open up web browser and:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter personal username and password. Username is student’s name with uppercase initial followed by sanluis. (Example: Mariasanluis). Should you not remember the password, ask one of the teachers.
  3. Chose the workbook you’d like to practice.
  4. Do not forget to submit the answers in order to have them checked! You can try each worksheet as many times as you like. Practise makes perfect!

When can I practice?

Our free plan gives students access at all times, every day. It’s useful to log in the day before a test or whenever they want to reinforce a concept.

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