
What is Aules?

Aules is a place dedicated to e-learning, with a vocation for universality, simplicity, and accessibility from any device.

Access to the platform:

Through any of the ‘flavors’ (sabors) that appear below according to the type of education. Teachers identify themselves with ITACA username and password, while students use their identification number (NIA) and password (either the one generated in the previous school year or a new one for those joining the system).”

Sign in as a user

Help: reserting students’ passwords.

For students, the username is the same as the identification number (NIA), and the password consists of the first three lowercase letters of the surname followed by the date of birth in the format DDMMYY. For example, a student born on October 18, 2003, named Laura Pérez Sanchis, would have the password per181003.

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