by Muhammad and Adam.
First, we waited until 9.45 am to go to the bus, where we met the people from Sant Felip Neri. 🏫 🚌 When we arrived, everyone was excited. ☺️
We changed our socks, and started jumping.
The first thing I did was jumping of a wall onto a trampoline, and finally into the foam pit. There, I tried to do a front flip, and landed on it.
Then, one and a half ours later, we were finished.🕐
We went on the bus and back to school.🚌
Then, we played at the playgroud at school.🏫
Street jump had many activities we could do. For instance:
- slides ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- trampolins ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- dogeball ⭐⭐⭐✴️✴️ (because, in the morning, my shoulders and my foot were hurting). There were big ones and small ones.
- football ⭐⭐✴️✴️✴️ (but it was for the little ones).
But, overall, everyone enjoyed it.
Esta notícia va ser creada en l’àrea d’anglés, per la qual cosa només està en este idioma.