Welcome to the web of European Programmes for the School Education and Adult Education sectors of the Department of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment of the Generalitat Valenciana, a space dedicated to promoting the internationalisation and educational and professional development of our community. Here you will find information on the initiatives that connect students, teachers and institutions with Europe, fostering cultural exchange, innovation and transnational cooperation.

Through these programmes, the Generalitat Valenciana works actively to facilitate participation in projects such as Erasmus+, eTwinning and other European opportunities that contribute to personal and collective growth. Whether to broaden educational horizons or collaborate on research projects, these programmes are an open door to a future without borders.


Press releases

Discover how European programmes can enrich your academic, cultural and professional life, and join a community committed to excellence and progress.

What’s on

Event organized by Abel Carenas (STEAM group moderator)

STEAM group

Event organized by Miriam Salinas (Rural Areas group moderator)


Event organized by Idoia Zapirain (eTwinning School group moderator)

eTwinning School group

Flash news

A delegation from the Service for Use, Promotion and European Programmes together with an inspector from the Department of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment, have visited the Flemish Department of Education in Brussels, being received by Jens Vermeersch, president of the Internationalisation Committee of VLOR, the Flemish Council of Education.

They have also participated in a course organised by DIPS (Erasmus+ as a driver for Inclusion, Diversity and Digital Transformation), as speakers at the workshop “Regional Strategies for International Education in Spain”. Richard Tallaron is the creator of DIPS and director and co-founder of LFEE Europe Ltd, which oversees the management and development of all European training programmes, as well as bilateral and multinational mobility projects for teachers and other education professionals.

Conference on selected KA-1 and KA2 projects (October 16, 2024) held in the Assembly Hall of the Department of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment

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