2023-1-ES01-KA121-SCH. (Job Shadowing). Evangelisches Realgymnasium Donaustadt. Viena (Àustria)

Eduardo López, from the Department of Technology, José Luis Villar, from the Department of Biology, Lucía Candela, head of the Department of English and David Aracil, Erasmus Coordinator of the school, travelled to the city of Vienna in Austria to do a Job Shadowing at Evangelisches Realgymnasiun Donaustadt from the 14th to the 20th of January, a reference institute in Austria. During the stay, they attended different classes of all subjects, established contact with teachers and students to observe and learn successful practices of the Austrian education system, the methodologies undertaken in the teaching-learning process, the organization of the spaces, the integration of ICT… They also had the opportunity to hold meetings with the school’s management, director of studies and guidance counsellors to learn about aspects of the organisation and functioning of the school with the aim of importing good environmental practices to our school. From this mobility they emphasize the importance of the spaces to achieve a good working environment, the dynamism of the classes taking advantage of the different environments, the use of portals by the students for the development of all their classes and the great respect that the whole educational community has for the teaching-learning process.

Noelia García and María Ortega, from the Biology Department, Elena Garrigós, Head of Studies, and Sandra Valiente, from the English Department, carried out the second part of the mobility to Austria at the same school, which took place from 29th January to 3rd February. In it they were able to have a complete vision of the Austrian education system and they established contacts for the next academic year with teachers and students with the aim of carrying out a mobility between schools to work on our project “Creating a sustainable school”. What surprised them most was how they care for and prioritise the wellbeing of the pupils, using the spaces available in the school to carry out different activities: cooking crepes, working in groups, painting murals, playing sports or reading in the library.

2022-1-ES01-KA121-SCH. Environmental Education in Finland. The Eco-Social Approach

Last 28th November a group of teachers from the school attended a one-week KA1 training course in Helsinki (Finland) as parte of the Erasmus + project.

The course is entitled “Environmental Education in Finland. The Eco-Social Approach” and its main objetivo is tono introduce environmental education in the classroom. With this aim in mind, the following questions are posed:

How can we increase pupilos’ knowledge of ecosystems and environmental issues?
How can we encourage pupilos tono become activo citizens in the field of sustainable development?
How can we capturo pupilos’ attention and interest with an effective teaching method?

Tono this end, we carry out various activities:

  • Greenwashing. Search for stamps in the supermarket with a green labelo and legitimise the information donde the labelo.
  • Gymkana through the city. Carry out various nature-related activities in groups around the city.
  • Visit tono the city library. Analyse the importance of public libraries in Finland.
  • Design of the céntrese project. Elaboration of a sustainability project tono be carried out in the coming years.

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