Latvia: March 2017

Web Rigas Zolitudes Gimnazija Events in images Exchanching traditional dances:

Spain: November 2016

Activities in Spain. There are links everywhere: 1. Workshops for teachers (INCIBE) and families in IES María Moliner 2. Cyberbullying and Cybertutoring 3. Domus Baebia: epigraphy workshop in Sagunt  4. El Puig. Printing Museum 5. eTwinning: learning how to use it for Erasmus+ projects 6. Geolocalization activity in Valencia Blogger created as a tool for the event. 7. … Llegiu més

Italy: October 2016


Poland: April 2016

Web Zespół Szkół w Łękawicy Gjmnazium, Lekawica SURVEY ANALYSIS complete 29.04.16.odt  (28k) Marcello Martini,  Feb 28, 2017, 9:01 PM  Tabula Peutingeriana.pdf  (261k) Marcello Martini,  Feb 28, 2017, 9:01 PM USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES.doc  (210k) Marcello Martini,  Feb 28, 2017, 9:02 PM

Greece: February 2016

Web LykVelou FIELDTRIPS Arrival and first meeting at the airport [created by the students on 11-2-2016] Lesson at Epidauros Epidauros ancient theatre [created by the students on Thursday 11-2-2016] Afternoon in Nafplio [created by the students on Thursday 11-2-2016] Visiting the Acropolis [created by the students on Thursday 11-2-2016] … Llegiu més

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