Excursión al teatro de Elche


Con motivo de la excursión realizada el día 10 de Enero, al teatro de Elche para ver la obra L’avare de Moliere,  nuestro alumno Kian Burns de 1ºC, nos ofrece una crónica en inglés de cómo se desarrollo la excursión.


10th January, 2013

When all of us were meant to be at school at 8.30, we were all very excited. When Jose Luis, our French teacher got on the bus, he called us on and we were off. I had a great time with my friends, and when we got there, all we saw palm trees. It was a nice school, but some of the kids weren’t that. My friend Marcos and me nearly got in a fight with a 16-year old boy.

 The theatre was very good, including the actors’ performance. It was L’avare de Moliere. They asked us a lot of questions, but then we finished. We went to the shopping centre for something to eat, but then we came back to school and got back to classes.

                                                                                  Kian Burns 1ºC


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