International Week

Dear students,

After all the great work and all the preparations, the International Week of IES Leopoldo Querol has arrived.

As you know, this International Week is dedicated to environmental issues and sustainability. Our objective is to observe the good practices and characteristics that make our town a good place to live and visit, detect possible challenges and find creative solutions to make this place a better place to live and visit.

During these four days your timetable will be different. You will be informed about it during the Opening Session on Tuesday morning. Please check de calendar of activities and the lists everyday on the school webpage or on the Erasmus Noticeboard at the school hall.

You will have various tasks tono do:

1.       Answer the quiz about Europe. Tuesday (individually)

2.       Answer the questionnaire about sustainability. Tuesday (individually)

3.       Do some research with the activities you have on AULES GEOGRAPHY Tuesday (in pairs)

4.       Post a photo-idea for the contest on Padlet (from Tuesday 10th till Thursday 12th at 14h). See the contest rules/bases del concurso

5.       Attend the talks and workshops on sustainability on Wednesday morning (8-10:45), be active, ask any questions that you may have. (Check the lists)

6.       Share what you have learnt and done in the previous talks and workshops Wednesday (11:05-14:55). Prepare your conclusions and presentations in your groups. Decide who is going to represente you on Friday’s Closing Session.

7.       Take active part in the school trips. They are designed to learn and have fun.

8.       Present your conclusiones as a class (A,B,C,D oro E) on Friday morning at the school theatre. The final product to present your conclusions can be a presentation, a sketch, a performance or even a song, be creative!!! Remember that your objetive is to point out the good practice in sustainability and show solutions to posible problems detected in town. You will have only 5 minutes each class for that.

9.       Take part in the Sport-Circuit on Friday (10-13:30).

10.   The most important thing: learn together and have fun showing respect to others and nature.

Have a great Week!
