Podcasts Erasmus+

Aitana Micó y Paula Antolí

«These are all good strategies that could be effective in reducing bullying in schools. If we work together, we can create a safer and more positive learning environment for everyone.»

Mireia Tomás y Mateo González

«Mi: Ok so welcome to our podcast today we are here with Mateo
Ma: Today we are going to talk about a serious problem
Mi: Hmmm, yeah… Mateo is right. I think you all know about bullying, it’s a really serious problem…»

Anna Molina

«We made a podcast to talk about bullying. We made it per grups, but this one isn’t a dialogue because I’m the only one
doing it. But it’s a monologue in which you are invited to reflect. I talk about different points divided into three questions that I answer and give my opinion.»

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