Visit Athens

Visit to Artemis Secondary School, Attica (Athens)

The purpose of the brief visit of two teachers from CANÓNIGO MANCHÓN SECONDARY SCHOOL, Vicente Serna – Department of Philosophy – and Rubén Morata – Department of English, has been to define and agree on the general objectives of the visit of students of 1º BAT from our school from 27th to 31st March, with Greek colleagues from the Greek school.

The activities both schools are sharing there (presentations, classes, gastronomic day) and the visits that will be organised once they are there have also been detailed. In addition, Greek colleagues will become our guests, as they are planning a visit to Crevillent after ours.

For the teachers who have been to Attica, the experience has been very satisfactory and they believe that the objectives have been achieved, partly thanks to the enormous help they have received from the Greek teachers, to whom they are very grateful.