De l’1 al 6 de juliol quatre professores del nostre institut, Mª Teresa Sánchez, Mª Fernanda Moreno, Trinidad García i Mª Dolores Asensi, van assistir a un curs de 30 hores sobre Intel·ligència Artificial per a l’Educació. El curs va tenir lloc a l’Eurpass Academy de Roma. Juntament amb altres professors de Grècia, Xipre, Portugal, Hongria i Romania, van obtenir coneixements pràctics i estratègies per utilitzar eines d’IA, com ara Chat GPT per a la pràctica lingüística i PowerPoint Speaker Coach per desenvolupar habilitats comunicatives. També van aprendre les millors pràctiques per implementar la IA a l’aula per millorar la participació dels estudiants i els resultats d’aprenentatge. L’últim dia, van treballar en grups reduïts i van dissenyar una activitat o projecte sobre com implementarien específicament la IA a les seves aules, utilitzant algunes eines i aplicacions d’IA.

Aquest curs també ha obert la possibilitat de col·laboracions futures amb algunes de les centres participants.


On December 13, a group of 15 students from the Artemis Secondary School in Attica, Greece, accompanied by its director Marinetta Vasileiou and another Spanish teacher, made a brief visit to our center as part of the Erasmus + activities program. In it, the students gave a presentation about Greek temples and their deities and socialized with students from our center.


In March 2023, our colleagues Laura Gómez and Asunción Sellés carried out a job shadowing at the Pierre Medès Lyceum in La Roche Sur Yon, a village with an extensive neoclassical architectural heritage located in the Pays de la Loire (France) and closely linked to the Napoleon era. The teachers’ visit is framed within our Erasmus project 2022-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000063301. The main objective was to share methods regarding orientation, inclusion and adaptation tasks for students. This visit also allowed them to get closer to a different culture and methodology, as well as comparing the way of working in both schools and to enhance effective communication in different ways.

Between March 26 and April 1, Laura and Asunción enjoyed a complete program of activities aimed at working with different groups of students. For example, they could observe the way of working with groups of young immigrants and absentees, and thus be able to acquire new tools that enrich their work, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both educational methods. In addition, they could also meet the Principal and the Orientation board and understand the the overall academic mission of the school. Finally, our teachers had the opportunity to observe how School Nursing specialty works, given that it is not regularized in our country.

It was undoubtedly an enriching experience that will allow us to continue growing as a center and improve the teaching-learning work with our students.

The Canon to Fontenay


The trip made by the Canon G Band, music band of the IES Canónigo Manchón de Crevillent from March 26 to April 1, 2023, was carried out within the framework of the Erasmus Program of the European Union (2022-1-ES01-KA121 -SCH-000063301), to the city of Fontenay-le-Comte (France), twinned with Crevillente.

The help and management of the Fontaney-le-Conte Jumelage Committee has at all times been crucial to be able to carry out this mobility successfully, as well as that of the Lycée Françoise Rabelais, which welcomed us into its facilities and prepared different musical and cultural events, within a very intense agenda, among which we can highlight the following:

  • Visit to the cities of Fontenay le Comte, La Rochelle, Coulon and Nantes
  • I meet local musicians, such as the accordionist Stéphane Le Lan, or Christine Métay-Seguy, organist of the Notre-Dame church.
  • Meeting with Jean-Luc Ouvrard, sound engineer, to prepare for the concerts.
  • Interpretation of early music pieces from a repertoire related to Spain by local musicians.
  • Visit of the royal abbey of Nieul sur l’Autize, with a virtual immersion in the life of the 16th century. XII.
  • Improvisation workshop with students from the music conservatory.
  • Concert by the Canon G Band at the Thag Bar, Fontenay-Le-Compte.
  • Concert by the Canon G Band for students of the Rabelais high school in the center’s assembly hall and Open Stage with other musicians and students.

KA 102 project in Fontenay-le-Comte


Last week from March 5 to 11, 2022, a group of 8 students and two second-year teachers of the Electromechanical Maintenance training cycle were doing an internship in the workshops of the Lycée François Rabelais in Fontenay-le-Comte, town twinned with our town (Crevillent).

Be the first Erasmus mobility of vocational training students in our center!!!!!!

A fantastic trip where our students expanded and improved their practical training, as well as their relationships with the people of Fontenay-le-Comte

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