In March 2023, our colleagues Laura Gómez and Asunción Sellés carried out a job shadowing at the Pierre Medès Lyceum in La Roche Sur Yon, a village with an extensive neoclassical architectural heritage located in the Pays de la Loire (France) and closely linked to the Napoleon era. The teachers’ visit is framed within our Erasmus project 2022-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000063301. The main objective was to share methods regarding orientation, inclusion and adaptation tasks for students. This visit also allowed them to get closer to a different culture and methodology, as well as comparing the way of working in both schools and to enhance effective communication in different ways.

Between March 26 and April 1, Laura and Asunción enjoyed a complete program of activities aimed at working with different groups of students. For example, they could observe the way of working with groups of young immigrants and absentees, and thus be able to acquire new tools that enrich their work, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both educational methods. In addition, they could also meet the Principal and the Orientation board and understand the the overall academic mission of the school. Finally, our teachers had the opportunity to observe how School Nursing specialty works, given that it is not regularized in our country.

It was undoubtedly an enriching experience that will allow us to continue growing as a center and improve the teaching-learning work with our students.