There are topics that seem difficult to discuss with children, but those difficulties often stem from our own experiences and beliefs. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is listen more and speak less: answering their questions honestly and in a way they can understand based on their age. Death is one of those topics.
We might wish that death stays far from their lives until they are older and mature enough to understand it, but avoiding the conversation won’t stop death from touching us or impacting us when it comes.
It’s essential that children feel they can ask their questions and share their emotions with us. Life isn’t always fair, and death doesn’t always come at the end of a long, happy life. Even when it does, saying goodbye and coping with loss is still painful.
In October, at school, we talk about death and fear as natural parts of life. We read stories, do activities, and reflect on the importance of living in a way that seeks happiness for ourselves and for others. If you can, talk to your children about death, because sooner or later, we will all have to face it.