Everything we do has consequences. Those consequences help us learn. If I touch the fire I get burnt, therefore I will not touch the fire again. If I insult someone, it is likely that they will hit me back or insult me, therefore, if I don’t want problems, I will try not to insult anyone.

When we avoid consequences, we avoid learning. When we assume the consequences for our children, we prevent them from learning life lessons. If you turn in an application or scholarship late, you won’t get it. If you turn in your institute registration late, you will not be able to study, if you pay a fine late, you do so with a surcharge. You can’t go vote the day after the election no matter how good your excuses might be.

But if when a book that was your responsibility disappears, or you break the lid of a toilet because you stepped on it, or you do not deliver a paper on time, absolutely nothing happens, you will not learn, you will not improve, you will not grow.

Let’s help our students to be responsible and to assume the responsibilities that correspond to their age.