Days have passed since we celebrated our V Cross Duathlon, but we needed time to assimilate the enormous success of organization and participation that it entailed. Our teacher Floren, with the help of all the collaborators and the volunteers from the school, made it a complete success. The involvement of teachers, students and their families was spectacular.
The Zancadas sobre Ruedas association of Cartagena lent us a joëlette and some members of the APDA association made it possible for all our students to participate. Seeing the faces of the boys and girls crossing the finish line was priceless.
It’s great that there were falls and trips and scratches and bumps… it’s great that only a few won and many lost… It’s great that, despite everything, you decided to participate to the best of your ability.
Sometimes you win, other times you learn. Thank you all!

You can see a video HERE