…Is special: when it rains, it gets wet, like the others: in fact, it gets soaked, because we have used natural materials that allow the water to pass into the earth and nourish the many trees that we have: mulberry, carob, pomegranate, almond , false plums, false peppers, acacias, hibiscus…

The different textures and surfaces (all approved by the European legislation and defended by our education laws) allow for the better development of the little ones, give more options when playing and are respectful to our planet. With a bit of luck we will have bugs too and we will be able to observe them and take care of them and learn from them.

But it is very messy: we end up filled with dust and gravel and everything (we are not going to charge you for all the gravel that ends up in your houses transported in shoes and pockets) but the thing is that nature is messy and living and learning will get you dirty. Boys and girls that are clean all the time are boys and girls who are not learning well. So, save those cute little pants that you bought at such a good price for Sundays, because if your child wears them to come to school, they will surely end up a complete mess.

In the old school we already had enough asphalt. Long live the dirt, mud and gravel! Long live nature! Long live our planet!