Terrariums are for turtles, lizards, snails… in terrariums the temperature is always the same, it doesn’t rain or get cold, there is no shortage of water or food, plants are made of plastic, everything is rubber, nothing stains… However, in a terrarium you see the same things every day, and animals that live and grow in a terrarium die if you leave them in the wild because they have not learned anything and are unable to find food or fend for themselves. You don’t learn much in a terrarium.

Our school is not and does not want to be a terrarium and we are going to work hard so that the new one is not one either. In our school we want dirt, and mud when it rains, and pebbles and rocks for us to learn not to throw them to anyone, and we want bees, and wasps, and grasshoppers and ladybugs and worms so that we can learn to treat them with respect and to walk away and protect ourselves when we have to. We want a variety of real trees and plants so that we can observe the passage of time and seasons.

Rain is wet, snow is cold, the wind blows… people learn.

Life is full of rainy and cold days, hot days, insect bites, colds, falls and scratches, accidents… but also unforgettable moments like that time when it was sunny and we went on a fieldtrip and then it suddenly rained and we ended up soaked up to our socks.

Let’s live life!