Whatever our summer is like, almost all of us will find moments to rest, extend the nights, go to the beach or spend some time by the pool, have an ice cream, read, go on a trip… For those of us from the Mediterranean, naps under the fan or dinners outside are also part of the charm of this season.

The holidays are finally coming for us too. We leave knowing that we have finished another school year with its good and its not so good things, but that we will start in September with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

The new school year will bring changes for everyone and it is important to face them with joy and the desire to offer the best of ourselves and to see all new developments as an opportunity to grow and learn. Let’s take advantage of the holidays to be with our family and friends, to rest and to read a book. May the summer days provide us with enough time to wipe the slate clean and be able to return in September wanting to be a little better. Happy holidays to all!