Trusting your school is believing that the staff knows how, can and will want to help all students learn and improve.

Trust is a belief, not an objective truth. When we need proof of everything it is because trust does not exist. If I trust the teachers and a fieldtrip is organized, I participate because I trust. If an activity is carried out at school and I trust, I understand that it will be appropriate for the students, that it will help them improve and that they will not be in danger. If I don’t trust, I want proof, I want data, I want demonstrations. Trust is essential to carry out an effective education. If we have to justify, demonstrate and analyze each action, we will end up not being able to do anything.

We are teachers and we like our work. Every day we assume the responsibility of caring for and teaching your sons and daughters. For us, the most comfortable thing would be not to do anything extra: no celebrations, no festivals, no field trips, or anything that goes beyond ordinary classes. But we assume this enormous responsibility because we firmly believe in what we do. If we have not earned your trust and you cannot proudly say which center your children attend, take advantage of the admission process to try to change schools. The lack of trust harms your children’s education.