Despite the fact that the course ended in June, we have been coming to school working to close this school year and organize the next one. It has been three weeks of meetings and more meetings, reviews, improvement proposals, new ideas, teamwork and hours and hours of dedication because this is what we like to do. We will make mistakes, we will do things that you will not like, we will be wrong a thousand times, but we will never lose sight of our ultimate goal: to work every day so that your sons and daughters have the best education that we can offer them.

Starting next week we will continue to assist you by phone or by email, but if you need to talk to us in person you will have to call beforehand to make sure we are available. There are some improvements being made in the classrooms and news in the number of teachers in the school, but we will talk about all that in September.

You will know your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school year. Remember to keep an open mind and the willingness to help us improve. Constructive criticism helps us to be better; constant complaints and impossible demands only make the atmosphere rare and end up negatively affecting the entire school.

With your support we will become the school we want to be, the school we try to improve every day those of us who continue to believe that another world is possible and that your children will be the ones to build it.

We wish you a very happy summer. Enjoy this precious time that you have to spend with your family.

See you in September with renewed enthusiasm and energy.


The Calatayud Team