Grading is not easy. We can do it them from zero to ten, from insufficient to outstanding, from one to five or from A to F…. In the end it is all about giving value to the work done. But in kindergarten and primary education, what is really important?

The grades do not say what your sons and daughters are worth, they do not say if they are good people, or if they know how to make friends.

Let me tell you a secret: grades are not that important. There are people with outstanding grades who are really complicated to deal with and people with failing grades who are a pleasure to talk to.

It is important to know that the grades can give us clues about those aspects in which we have to work harder, but that having a ten does not make you a better person and having an F is not bad if you have made an effort. Each one of us has different abilities, different hopes and dreams, and a whole future full of possibilities ahead of us. In the end, the lesson is always the same: whatever grades you have, keep working and striving to be a little better every day.

And speaking of grades… why don´t you give us one?