All the information about the evaluations is accessible through the WEBFAMILIA page. We can register as many email addresses as you provide us, so that each family member can have access to student information independently. If you want to be able to access the information you will have to provide us with an email address to which we can send you your password. We remind you that we do not issue printed newsletters. We help the planet and we help students too, by keeping their global grades private.




If your Gmail account does not accept more messages because you have reached the maximum, do this:

You enter gmail. Click on the nine dots on the right and choose “photos”. Next, you click on the gear called “settings” and in the first section of the copy quality you choose storage savings.

Then you click on “manage storage”. You can review the photos you have and delete the blurry ones or screenshots, but the most important thing is that you go to the “recover space” section and click on Compress photos. This takes a long time, depending on the number of photos that have been uploaded to the drive, but it will free up a lot of space and you will be able to receive emails again.



In this video, Eva Millet reflects on the effects of overprotecting our children. Millet describes a new parenting style, whih she calls “hyper-parenting” based on excesive attention to children, which, according to her, “incapacitates” children when it comes to acquiring one of the basic tools of life: autonomy. The full video is available HERE.


Ideally, when a couple separates, it should be done in a cordial manner, understanding that eternal love only exists in movies and that sometimes we need/want to break commitments that we once established. In these cases, the interest of the minors in their care should always be taken into account, since this is a commitment that we cannot ignore. Unfortunately this is not always the case. There are situations in which the family relationship has to be managed through professionals such as parenting coordinators, judges, or other professionals.

In our school the information about each student is accessible to all those who have given us their email and have registered in WEBFAMILIA. If you and your partner have separated, make sure we have your email to send you the password that allows you to access the information. We rarely send notes on paper but we do communicate through our TELEGRAM channel, which you can follow without any problems.

In regards to the authorizations for field trips, etc. we will only send one per family and it is the family that has to agree to sign it or not. If the parents are not able to reach an agreement, we do not have the time or training as mediators to help you reach a consensus. At least for some things you will have to speak for the good of the children. When there are limitations on parental authority, only the signature of the parent who retains it will be necessary. As a rule of thumb, if you trust us, the general rule should be to authorize all activities, since they are planned with the enrichment of all students in mind. Your differences should only complicate your lives and not the ones of those around you. Thank you so much.