Nowadays nobody should discuss the advantages of being bilingual, not only at a brain level but also at a social and cultural level. Knowing more languages ​​makes us better able to face the world, helps us be more tolerant and facilitates the development of social skills and empathy. Learning a second language makes it easier to learn a third and even a fourth, and although we are all born with the ability to learn any languages, once we know one, it is easier to learn similar ones, that is why it is easier for most of us to learn Valenciano tan it is to learn English.

In Spain we have never been very good at respecting and valuing our linguistic richness and it is very difficult to learn Euskera or Gallego outside of their own communities. Not even Portuguese, Arabic or French are valued languages ​​despite being the ones closest to us.

Our Multilingual and Intercultural Education Program (PEPLI) has the main objective of ensuring that students acquire communicative competence in Spanish, Valenciano and English while facilitating an enriching contact with other non-curricular languages ​​and cultures from some of our students. Being curious about other languages ​​and cultures and helping our students be more tolerant and respectful are also part of the objectives of this program. In Spanish-speaking cities such as Aspe we also try to improve the perception of Valenciano among students and their families, thus facilitating learning, since you cannot learn something you do not value.

To achieve all this, we teach the language subjects and we also work on Valenciano in the areas of physical education and music and English in the area of ​​art.

Learning a language is not easy, but with the support and help of the entire school community, it is a much more bearable job. Take advantage of the opportunities you have to use Valenciano and English whenever you can: watching TV, listening to music or talking with friends and neighbours.