The AMPA is an association that helps carry out activities in the school that would otherwise be impossible to do.

We do not become members of the AMPA because they give us a discount on a field trip or because they give us a gift: we become members of the AMPA to help and support our sons and daughters to continue growing and learning. It is not about what the AMPA can do for you, but about what you can do for the AMPA.

Miriam Sanchez is the AMPA representative in the School Council.


The annual fee of the AMPA is 15 euros per family.

Until December 31 you can pay the AMPA by bank transfer or a direct deposit in the following account number:

Santander Bank: ES24 0030 3037 68 0001151271

In the CONCEPT you must put the full name and grade of the student.

If you have any problems, contact the classroom responsible or any of members of the Board.

Once the transfer has been made, you can send a photo of the generated receipt and send it to the member of the group or by mail to:

This new school year we bring back the afterschool program to offer our children new sport, artistic and playful activities.