We have a year full of changes ahead of us. The biggest one is, obviously the change of location with this brand new school that has been built for us and that we will make ours step by step. But that is not the only one: we change our webpage, offering now basic information in Spanish, Valenciano and English and we also change some of our teachers.

Changes are a good thing: they keep us on our toes and they help us stay awake, although saying good-bye is not easy, even less when the things we separate from were so good.

You will discover some of those changes as you come to the school.

For a butterfly to be able to take flight the catterpillar must disolve into a shapeless soup.

Every change implies unconfortable situations and necessari adjustments, but, after a while changes help us grow and learn.

If you saw our school right now you would understand what we are talking about.

School will start on September 12th, there is no doubt about it. Now, whether we are a radiant butterfly, a crawling worm or a shapeless soups, only time will tell.

Everything arrives if we are patient and we encourage you to be ready and alert to spend some unconfortable weeks until everything is working properly.