
Provide an enriching and accessible musical experience for all students.

What will you learn?


-Development of vision and breathing.
-Learning simple songs.
-Encourage participation in vocal ensembles.

Musical and vocal performance

-Uses of digital and traditional instruments.
-Practice with Playtronica Touch-Me and Playtronica Playtron.
-Gravació de veu mitjançant mini-estudi.
-Interpretation with Lumi Keys keyboard.


-Active escort of different types of music.
-Identification of sounds and rhythms.
-Sensitivity to volume and timbre variations.

Movement and dance

-Coordination of movements with music.
-Dance and body expression activities.
-Uses of Sphero Spec-Drums and color coding for creating rhythms.

These activities are designed to adapt to the needs of each student, providing an enriching and accessible musical experience.

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