School supplies and books 2023/2024

Here we publish the lists of books and supplies for the coming course.

In our center there is a Book Bank, so Primary students do not need to buy books, they are totally provided by the school (with the exception of the English booklets, which must be provided by the family). Participating in the Bank of Books Program implies for the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades of Primary that THEY CANNOT WRITE ON THE BOOKS. The books must be covered and delivered at the end of the course in good condition in order to continue participating in the following course.

For 1st and 2nd grade students, the school provides them with notebooks/workbooks on which they often work directly (writing, painting…). They are not reusable but should be cared for anyway.

For Infant (Pre-Primary Stage) children, when working for Projects, families are not asked for books, but rather they are asked to provide various materials. Some of these materials are on the list, in September families will be asked to contribute for other common materials.

Click on each section to see the school material. All books are lent free to our students, following the XARXA LLIBRES – BOOK BANK program, with the exception of the English booklet.



ENGLISH BOOKLET (Only book that families MUST BUY)

LIST OF SCHOOL BOOKS (Delivered free of charge by the school)

This information can also be consulted in the News Blog:

School supplies and books 2023/2024