Whast is AMPA?

We are the main way for families to participate in the life of the center. We are a non-prot association that works closely with the school to encourage the involvement of families in the active education of children.


The main objective of the AMPA is to favour and encourage the participation of families in the school’s life, we aim to collaborate generating operating dynamics that contribute to the education of our children and to accompany them in their integral development.

Promote training activities so that families have quality tools in the task of educating.

Jointly organize recreational and festive activities with the school to generate a pleasant and trusting atmosphere.

Facilitate the integration of families and teachers who come to the school every year.

Collaborate with the entities in our environment and get involved in the life of the town that hosts the school.

Offer spaces to share ideas, debate them and formulate proposals on the educational project and the management of the center.

Share and transmit to the entire educational community the enthusiasm and condence that we are working for a better future..

Who are the members of the AMPA?

The AMPA is made up of all members, who have equal voice and vote, and the day-to-day management is handled by the board of directors, which is made up of:




We have an AMPA representant on the school council, we are going to process subsidies and aid given to parent associations like ours, we belong to FAMPA Enric Valor, we offer support for any problem at school… 

We organize ourselves by commissions and there is a Board in which all families who want to, can participate in a greater degree of involvement

If you want to be part of this Community or have something to contribute, write to us at

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