Practice the time and the vocabulary Time and subjects, una ficha interactiva de TeriReyes
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Practice the time and the vocabulary Time and subjects, una ficha interactiva de TeriReyes
Match! What time is it?, una ficha interactiva de TEACHERROSAANA
Match! What time is it?, una ficha interactiva de TEACHERROSAANA
intro vocabulary Vocabulary: Subjects Watch the video to review the vocabulary.
intro vocabulary Vocabulary: Subjects Watch the video to review the vocabulary.
Let’s watch episodes three and four! After a well deserved break, let’s watch two new episodes! In episode 3 Taco meets some new friends! But what are they doing? I think they are eating something delicious! In episode 4 we meet Sue and Alex. What are Maxie and Taco doing!?
Let’s watch episodes three and four! After a well deserved break, let’s watch two new episodes! In episode 3 Taco meets some new friends! But what are they doing? I think they are eating something delicious! In episode 4 we meet Sue and Alex. What are Maxie and Taco doing!?