Now that we are learning about the alphabet and the sound of each letter, you should spend some time practising online with games!!! Here you have got 2 links that you will enjoy a lot. Have fun and learn! Ara que estem aprenent el abecedari i el só de les ... Leer más
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Now that we are back to school after some holidays, we have began to learn about animals!!! I hope you enjoy this song! Ara que hem tornat a l’escola després d’uns dies de descans, hem començat a aprendre coses dels animals!!! Espere que vos agrade esta cançó!
It’s been a long time since my last entry… and now, it’s not a song!!! just a story all of you enjoy and talks about the weather and some transport! hope you enjoy it as much as we do in class!!!! Ja ha passat molt de temps des de l’última entrada… I ara, no ... Leer más
I know how much you like to count and to play with play dough!!! This song is perfect for you, and you can even try and do the numbers with play dough yourself! Let’s count! Ja sé lo molt que vos agrada contar i jugar en plastilina!!! Aquesta cançó es perfecta per a tu, ... Leer más
4 and 5 years old have started learning the members of the family in English. Here you have a song to remember them and have fun! Year 1 of Primary can also enjoy this song… En 4 i 5 anys ja hem començat a aprendre els noms dels membres de la família en anglés. ... Leer más
3 years old are also practising some body parts with songs!!! Have a look at their videos… They’re so cute! Els xiquets de 3 anys també comencen a treballar les parts del cos en anglés en cançons!!! Mireu que be que ho fan… i que bonicos estàn!
All the year and through all the courses, we do speak about feelings! Here you have a song I’m sure you love. Enjoy! Durant tot el curs i en totes les classes sempre se parla del sentiments! Ací tens una cançó que de segur t’agradarà. Disfruta!
We’ve been practising the body parts in the classroom with some songs!!! Have a look at our dancers from 4 and 5 years old!!!