4 de desembre de 2024


SDG of This Month:SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities

International / World Day: International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December 2024)

Educational Strategy:Experiential Learning

Final Product: A Padlet with tools, games or apps to help handicapped people from all the partner schools.

Learning Goals: To understand the challenges faced by people with disabilities. To realize that technology can improve accessibility and inclusivity for all.

“International Day of Persons with Disabilities” Project Poster

About This Activity: 

Tech 4 Good: Inclusivity for People with Disabilities Using Digital Tools

Creating a Padlet with tools, games or apps to help disabled people.

Dear partners, we will complete this activity in 3 easy steps.

STEP 1 – Introduction:In the plenary session, students will watch the video “GLOBAL GOALS KIDS’ SHOW – Goal 10” on Youtube to learn about disabilities and the rights of handicapped people.

Video link:
Optional activities: 
•  Have students put on blindfolds and try to navigate a simple task (e.g., walking around obstacles).
•  Play a short video and ask them to watch it without sound or with captions to see how it feels for someone who can’t hear well.
•  Demonstrate screen readers for the visually impaired
•  Show speech-to-text apps for people who have trouble hearing.

STEP 2 – Create your Own Tool: If the partner school owns robotic kits (micro:bit, Arduino,…), students in teams can create a simple digital tool that could help someone with a disability. If the school does not have robotic kits, students can design and create a tool, or a game using recyclable materials and describe its function. The students can also use Pictoblox and create an app with the integrated AI tools (Face and Gesture recognition).

STEP 3 – Presenting the ideas: All the teams “hang” to the shared Padlet below a photo or video of their tool – game and describe their function. Teams from partner schools can comment, give positive feedback, and ask questions about the tools. 

Other countries ideas:

Padlet link: Tools, Games or Apps to Help Disabled People


Els i les alumnes de 4BC entrevisten als alumnes de l’aula UECO per a vore quina preferència tenen per als jocs. El següent pas serà construir o programar els jocs i anar un dia a jugar amb ells.

En esta imatge veiem l’entrevista, on veiem a què vol jugar cadascú i amb qui jugarà:

I ací el que prepararà cada alumne/a de 4B, el pla de treball

Treball fent els jocs

Dia dels jocs

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