14 de novembre de 2024


SDG of This Month: SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

International / World Day:  World Science Day for Peace and Development (10 November 2024)

Educational Strategy:  Socratic Seminars

Final Products: 

1- A Word Cloud about peace and justice.  

2- An illustrated e-book about peace in the world.

Learning Goals:  To introduce students to the concepts of peace, justice, and strong institutions using a simplified Socratic seminar approach (, enhanced by appropriate Web 2.0 and AI tools, to foster critical thinking, collaboration, and basic digital literacy.

About This Activity:  Creating an illustrated ebook about peace in the world with AI created images and a Word Cloud about peace and justice.

Dear partners, we will complete this activity in 5 easy steps.

STEP 1 – Introduction to the topic: In the plenary session, students will watch the video “Understand Goal 16: Peace and Justice (Primary)” on Youtube about SDG 16.

Video link:

STEP 2 – Preparation: Students, in teams, discuss about peace and justice trying to prepare the answers to the following questions and keep notes: 

•  Why do we need rules in our classroom and school?

•  What does it mean to be fair? Can you think of a time when something wasn’t fair? 

•  How can we make sure everyone feels safe and happy in our school?

•  Why is it important for people to work together peacefully? 

STEP 3 – Opening circle and discussion: The teacher poses the first question and the discussion about peace and justice begins. The teacher can use ChatGPT (or another tool) to generate simple examples or stories about peace and fairness, which can be shared with the class during the discussion on the projector.

STEP 4 – The Word Cloud: The most important words heard in the discussion and linked to peace and justice are written down on the classroom whiteboard by the student responsible of each group. Through DeepL AI tool, students translate the words into English and share them in a TwinSpace word cloud (AnswerGarden), common to all the partner schools.

STEP 5 – Reflection: After the discussion, each group, using OpenArt AI tool (or another tool), create a picture of how they imagine peace and justice in the world. In a common Canva, they share their picture. Another partner school gives a title to the picture. 

“Peace and Justice” AnswerGarden common word cloud:

AnswerGarden link:

Canva edit link: “We imagine of Peace and Justice in the World” collaborative illustrated e-book

You can also find useful information about the educational strategy “Socratic seminars” at the link below:


Els alumnes de 4t preparen l’activitat sobre la pau ODS16 per als alumnes 1r:

El 26 de novembre vàrem fer la classe en 1A. Els alumnes de 4B varen ser els coordinadors de la sessió. En primer lloc es va introduir l’ODS16 amb un vídeo.

A continuació comencem el seminari Socratics, utilitzatn chatgpt per al debat.

Per finalitzar el seminari socratics, els alumnes comparteixen les seves idees en la pissarra:

A continuació escullen la seva paraula preferida i la tradueixen utilitzant la seva eina preferida d’intel·ligència artificial DeepL AI.

Compartim la paraula en els nostres companys i companyes europeus, en l’answergarden.

Els alumnes de 4t elaboren en canva en totes les idees recol·lectades.

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