10 de gener de 2025


Dear partners, we will schedule 2nd online meeting for our students within the scope of January Activities. Therefore, please add possible dates, times and other data to the table below. We will inform you when the meeting date and time are determined.

During this online meeting, our students will play a Kahoot quiz about the 3rd SDG (well-being at school).

We will prepare this Kahoot quiz together. For this, each teacher will create 1 question about SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being / well-being at school) and add it to the table shared with Google Docs below. (Deadline for questions: 10 January 2025)

Google Docs Edit Link:2ndOnline Meeting Scheduling for Students

Google Docs View Link:2ndOnline Meeting Scheduling for Students

Google Docs Edit Link:Kahoot Quiz Questions

Google Docs View Link:Kahoot Quiz Questions

On Tuesday, January 14th, at 10:00 (CET), the second meeting of students and teachers regarding Goal 3 and well-being in school will take place


Els alumnes 1A preparen l’online meeting. Primer veiem un vídeo per conèixer què és l’ODS 3, realitzem un debat i cada grup escull tres paraules que defeineixin este ODS i què podem fer per ajudar a millorar la salut i el benestar de les persones. Fem un núvol de paraules a la pissarra.

En una sessió posterior els alumnes de 4B fan de tutors als de 1ESO A en l’online meeting, on juguem al kahoot sobre ODS3 amb els alumnes europeus del projecte. Ha estat molt divertit!

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