3 de setembre de 2019

About the project

This project is for vocational students in electricity, aged between 15-17 years old. Four high schools are participating, three of which are vocational and the other a music school with science students. The objective of the project is to improve electrical, IT and collaboratives skills. Socially-disadvantaged students are involved in this project, so we will have to adapt the methodologies used to encourage and motivated them. Activities will include building a common project and videoconferences.



To develop cooperative skills when working in groups.
To build language skills (speaking, reading and writing).
To develop scientific and technological skills
To share opinions and experiences.
To develop creativity in the design of products.
To help each other in learning.
To learn the importance of interaction in order to reach common goals.
Motivate students with special behavioral difficulties, thanks to the Twinspace project, where they can interact with other students in similar situations.
Peer teaching.
Improve the management of ICT tools, which will be useful in their future working lives.


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