Aquest any participarem al projecte eTwinning organitzat pel departament de Tecnologia de l’IES Francesc Tàrrega amb els alumnes de 3r ESO, el compte enrere ha començat i us volíem informar dels objectius del projecte i de cóm va evolucionant, a la Web del centre hi trobareu tota la informació més detallada. Recordeu que en aquest projecte la llengua vehicular serà l’anglès, entre tots ho portarem endavant!
Aprofito per donar les gràcies als meus companys de departament per tota la feina que estan fent i donar-los l’enhorabona pel segell de qualitat europeu aconseguit amb el projecte de l’any passat (FROM PHOTONS 2 ELECTRONS Joan Ferrer i Anna Claramunt). Us anirem informant dels socis que aquest any hi participaran.
Us deixe el resum elaborat per la meva companya de departament Anna Claramunt,
About the project
The aim of the project ”Where there’s a will, there’s a way” is to encourage students to think about how they can contribute to reducing energy consumption and to get rid of existing unsustainable habits. In addition it is important that students wonder from where the energy they consume at home and in the school come and how it is produced as well as investigate other possibilities for sustainable living.
The eTwinning project is directed at secondary school students aged 14 – 19 to promote rational use of energy. Based on cooperative work between the schools, they will prepare presentations, google questionnaires, drawings, essays, games, quizzes etc.
To increase awareness of the importance of switching to renewable energy sources,
To understand the importance of rational use of energy,
To develop ICT skills,
To develop language skills (speaking, reading and writing),
To develop cooperative skills working in group,
To develop creativity,
To enhance ICT activities to communicate effectively,
To use foreign language outside the classroom,
To share personal experiences and opinions,
To develop a research spirit,
To relate the effects of electrical energy and its conversion capacity to other energy manifestations.