Who are we?

The Adult Public Education Centre is a public school located in Mislata (Valencia) and it depends on the educational authorities. This school offers adult education which means that the students should be over 18 in order to apply. The school is located within the metropolitan area of Valencia.

The school provides compulsory and non-compulsory studies. There are different groups and levels in the school; nowadays we have more than 700 students. The programs range from literacy classes to courses to get the Certificate on Secondary Education, which is the basic certificate in the Spanish education system. There are also other courses such as the preparation to the access of vocational training, foreign language courses in English and French, Spanish as a second language (for  foreign people), Valencian language, IT and seminars in Culture.

We welcome students from all walks of life (people who couldn’t finish their basic education, or people who want to improve their knowledge in different subjects and foreigners).

This Centre will implement the project activities with the joint participation of students and staff, this Centre will carry out the project activities, publish the results and the evaluation project.

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