
During the period August 1st 2013- July 31st 2015, 11 institutions from 10 European countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Poland, Turkey) collaborated in order to implement the learning partnership Grundtvig „Learning Positive Discipline” (LPD).  The overall aim of the project is to encourage adults to analyze how they relate to children and students to discover a wider range of tools and methods to solve behavioral problems of children based on communication and positive discipline. The project aims to draw attention to the negative effects of corporal punishment and verbal of children, and to promote raising children in a positive and non-violent atmosphere in all environments.

The overall aim of the project is to encourage adults to analyze how they relate to children and students to discover a wider range of tools and methods to solve behavioural problems of children based on communication and positive discipline. The project aims to draw attention to the negative effects of corporal punishment and verbal of children, and to promote raising children in a positive and non-violent atmosphere in all environments.

The project was addressed to a target group made up by:

– parents who want to improve their parenting skills, which manifest  the desire to know their children better.

– people who interact with children (teachers, psychologists, school counsellors) who want to discover positive disciplinary methods and tools to apply them in their professional activity with students or aiming to provide support to parents who wish to improve their knowledge, disciplinary skills and positive child behaviour.

– people working in adult education.

Such a project is necessary because many parents and teachers do not have the knowledge and skills necessary to manage children’s problem behavior on the development of positive relationships and mutual support and, in many cases, the source for worsening of behavioral problems of children is the way parents and educators know how to manage these problems.

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