Vuxenutbildningen i Sundsvall

            The Adults Education School of Mislata has always been interested in the European dimension of the Adult Education. That’s why we have already participated in two Grundtvig projects and in some Erasmus+ meetings. In the meeting that took place in Malta we met the deputy director of The Adults Education School of Sundsvall.

Since the first moment we soon realized that we had common interests. We both had special interest in how to work with immigrants that came to our country with no knowledge at all of the language, the culture… And in a very special way of those who are illiterated in their own language. We have kept in contact since then, mainly by email. Because of it three teachers from Sundsvall visited us to know our school and make sure that we could learn from each other if we worked together. We realized that it would be very interesting to share experiences and tools to improve our teaching.

That’s why we agreed to apply for a » Job-shadowing» considering that we could really improve our teaching skills. We both agreed that the teachers involved in the project should have a good English level to have a fluent communication among us. That’s why it is the Headmaster of the school and the Head of Studies who will participate on the visit. The main goal is to know how the School of Sundsvall work as much organizative as educational tasks.

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es cofinanciadoEN-2-1024x223.png

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