Welcome to our website of the Primary School of Sant Vicente de Piedrahita! We are delighted to welcome you to our small and welcoming institution, located in a rural environment surrounded by nature. Our school is full of enthusiasm and dedication to offer an enriching educational environment that allows our students to develop their full potential.

School News

  • Thanks for everything, Mar!

    Today we have some special news to share with all of you. This Wednesday, we said goodbye to our conversation assistant, Mar. We write this post with a mix of emotions, as we are sad to see her go, but at the same time, we feel excited for her and everything that awaits her in this next chapter of her life. With her, we have learned about American and Mexican culture, we have eaten, danced, and laughed together. Thanks to her patience and listening skills, many students have made great strides in their communication abilities.

    Come back soon to San Vicente, Mar. We are eagerly awaiting your return. Wishing you the best of luck in your upcoming adventure. Take care, polar bear!

  • And with spring… the school orchard!

    Spring brought warm weather so we have started the new term with the creation of our own orchard. Today we have had our first contact with the soil, the plants and the seeds. We will be positng how this green experience is progressing! Look at the pictures:

  • The Joy of Making Sandwiches: A Lesson in Collaboration and Creativity

    Food has an extraordinary way of bringing people together. With ingredients like bread, different cheeses, and a variety of sauces (some quite spicy) and fresh vegetables laid out before them, our students were ready to embark on the experience of making sandwiches that our amazing language assistant, Mar, prepared for us. The task was simple: each student would be responsible for creating a personalized sandwich for a classmate who would give them instructions in English.

    As the students tasted their classmates’ creations, the classroom filled with conversations and exclamations of delight. It was a beautiful sight to see the joy on their faces as they savored the flavors and shared their impressions of the unique combinations they had experienced.

    This simple sandwich-making activity went beyond the pleasure of a delicious meal. It taught our students life skills such as effective communication, active listening, and the importance of considering others’ preferences and dietary needs. They also learned to appreciate and embrace diversity in tastes and flavors, opening their minds to new culinary possibilities. Furthermore, this activity fostered a sense of community within the classroom. By working together and sharing a meal, students formed connections, strengthened friendships, and learned the power of collaboration and mutual support.

    The experience of making sandwiches for each other brought our students closer together and created a memorable and enjoyable learning experience. Upon reflecting on this lesson, it became evident that sometimes the simplest activities can hold profound lessons and leave lasting impressions. So let us remember to embrace these opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom, where learning, friendship, and delicious sandwiches await.

    Bon appétit!

  • 1… 2… 3… frozen dinosaurs!

    In the kindergarten class we are discovering dinosaurs. While we are learning and understanding them, we are also having fun.


    On the 30th of January 2023, we celebrated World Peace Day. We were introduced to the peace symbol: it was made of salt. We discussed the meaning of this day. We also learned about Ghandi, who was an activist. As well as John Lennon, who was a musician. Both are tied to peace activism. Discussing words, symbols and the people association to the peace movement.

    We also watched a music performance by GLEE of the song: imagine by John Lennon.

    That was our morning! Then, we were going to record a video, so we gathered ideas in the morning. In the afteroon, we filmed our video. YOU CAN WATCH IT HERE!