by Adam, Inaya, Miguel, Muhammad, Rubén and Teacher Marina.

Last week, we had one of the most magical weeks of this academic year: the school cultural week.

On Monday, a kooky magician visited our school. He left us impressed with all the magic tricks he did with cards and objects.

On Tuesday, we learnt about and played the ancient game of chess. Can you name all the pieces you need in ordert to play? Their names are well hidden all over this text.

On Wednesday, we went all the way up to Alicante’s castle, Santa Bárbara, and the MARQ: the city’s archeological museum. We discovered the ancient history of the Benacantil mountain and did A LOT of walking under the sun. The cutest minibus took os there, playing crazy music. <3

On Thursday, Sensei master of comic drawing came to visit and taught os how to draw anime characters. We’ll show you our masterpieces.

On Friday, the class of the oldest kids participated in the Olympic school games in Crevillent. Go Pedanías!

Esta noticia fue creada en el área de inglés, por lo cual solo está en este idioma.

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