Interviewing Teacher Linda

by Adam and Rubén

Mrs. L’s Classroom Adventure Series
  1. What is your full name? Linda Nadira Ramos.
  2. What is your favorite color? Blue.
  3. What is your favorite food? My mom´s curry chicken and rice.
  4.  What is your job? I am an English teacher.
  5. Where are you from? New York City.
  6. When where you born? January 19th.
  7. What are the name of your books? Mrs.L´s Classroom Adventure Series: Odetta Roo and her Auntie Entanina; Grace -A- Roni Wants A Pony.
  8. Whats  the inspiration behind them? My 30 year experience teaching students English in Japan, in the UK and in Spain. There´s ALWAYS something happening in the classroom or around me.

Esta entrevista se creó en el área de inglés, por el que solo está en este idioma.

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