Welcome session in Helsinki

Yesterday our collegue Patricia had the opportunity to meet the teachers that are going to join this week the course in Helsinki.

During the morning and part of the afternoon they had the chance to visit the most important attractions of the city such as: the lutheran cathedral, the ortodox cathedral, the marker, the port and the library. Patricia told us that she really felt impressed by the library because it is a free space and free entrance and there are many thing to do there like listening to music, recording music, a game room for families, a sewing room and also a room in which you can print in 3D.

To conclude they tasted some important dishes of the country like the salmon or the reindeer meat.

Jornada inicial en Helsinki

Durante la jornada de ayer domingo nuestra compañera Patricia tuvo la oportunidad de conocer a los diferentes profes que participarán en el curso. 

Además, realizaron un tour guiado por la ciudad de Helsinki y la guía les llevó a los principales atractivos de la ciudad: la catedral luterana, la catedral ortodoxa, la plaza del mercado, el puerto, la capilla del silencio,… Y la biblioteca pública Ood, ya que es algo más que una biblioteca. Es un espacio al que cualquiera tiene entrada libre aunque y para acceder a los servicios que ofrecen tan solo sacarse un carnet.

 ¿Y que se puede hacer allí de especial? Hay sillones, sofás y multitud de espacios cómodos para leer. Pero también juegos de mesa, videojuegos o música. Se puede reservar una cabina para músicos, donde se puede grabar o ensayar, en solitario o en grupo. Hay salas con videojuegos donde familias enteras están jugando. Hay una zona con máquinas de coser y otro espacio con impresoras de 3D. Todo de libre uso. Pero lo mejor no es esto.  

Para concluir la jornada han podido degustar alguna de las especialidades del país como son: el salmón y la carne de reno. 

New mobility in Helsinki

Yesterday we started a new mobility in Helsinki. In this case our partner Patricia is going to participate in a course in which she is going to explore more about the finnish educational system. Yesterday she had a free day and she went to Porvoo, which is the second oldest city in Finland. The temperature there was -1⁰C unless it was a sunny day as could be seen on the pictures .

Last day in Bologna

During the last session on the course they had studied the importance of empathy, concience and inclusion in order to create a multicultural group. Also the students have received their final diplomas of participating in the course. During the afternoon they climbed the two main attraction of the city which as the Degli Arineri and Garisenda towers. These towers are 97,20 meters high and have and spectacular picture of the city.

Four day in Bologna

 During the Thursday morning Ana had the opportunity to do 2 different role play game. She has evaluate the importance that the culture, the body language, the mother tongue as well as the different point of view has in our live. After that she had explore the intercultural life eating in an african restaurant.

The day finished with a trip to the city of Romeo and Juliet, in this case Verona, where she has visited the Duomo, the Arenal as well as experienced the carnival of the town.

Third day in Italy

On the third session our college Ana has worked different role play in which the main topic was the empathy and the importance of communicating in the classroom. Furthermore, she had had the opportunity to travel to one of the most important cities in Italy, in this case to Florence where she has gone to visit the Art gallerie, the Vecchio Pont as well as other important monuments of the city.

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