Os damos la bienvenida a la página web de nuestro centro educativo.

¿Quiénes somos?

Somos un Centro Rural Agrupado público que incluye 3 aularios situados en las poblaciones de Barx, Palmera y Potríes.

¿Por qué nuestro centro?

Nuestro centro educativo presenta grandes ventajas frente a otros en lo relativo a la ratio docente-alumnado.

Background Options

There are several options if you want to spice up your fullscreen design. You can work with a single color or an image if you just want a static solution. If you want a bit of movement, you can choose between a parallax image, a slideshow or even a looping video.

Get Creative!

As you can see, there are many ways to use the fullscreen options built into Beaver Builder. And, now it's time for you to get creative and explore the possibilities.