Welcome to our school!


You can click the image, if you want to visit my blog.

You can watch this presentation

to know more about me.

You can practice the vocabulary we study in the class.

Every year we learn English with our teachers and language assistants.

Jaan is from Philippines.
She is a wonderful teacher who was teaching English in our school.
Thank you Jaan for having been our Language assistant for three years!
This is Philippines’ flag.
Thank you Jaan!
You are welcome anytime!
Lydia was our Language assistant last year.
Lydia is from America. She lives in Lousiana.
Look at this photo!
She is teaching her favourite hobbies in the second grade.
Thank you teachers!
You are the best!
This is Lousiana’s flag.

Can you see where Lousiana is?

25th November International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

You can read and watch this story about being brave.


There are important women in your life:

your mum, your grandma, your sister, your friend, your teacher…

Respect them and love them!

Women are important in our society, in our history… We improve our world!

All our students have decorated their butterflies

which have been included in this mural.

Lydia is the artist who drew the face of the woman.

Watch this video: I can do anything!

23rd April

My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. Tell me yours!

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