Teatro Flumen: The Creepy Addams Family

El día 6 de febrero los alumnos de 5.º y 6.º fueron a Valencia para ver a la obra The Creepy Addams Family al teatro Flumen. La asistencia al teatro para ver una obra en inglés ya se ha convertido en una actividad casi obligatoria cada curso.

Previamente habíamos trabajado el contenido de la obra en clase para facilitar la comprensión de la historia y poder entender mejor los diálogos.

La obra fue muy divertida y todos pudieron disfrutar de los personajes, sobre todo de Wednesday, la protagonista. Ah, y dos de nuestras alumnas formaron parte de la representación, como podéis ver a los videos.

The Creepy Addams Family

El martes día 6 iremos al teatro Flumen para ver la representación de esta obra. Aquí tenéis las canciones por si queréis practicar:

Welcome to Westfield

Welcome to Westfield, a colourful place

Where pretty is perfect like a smile on your tace

The sun always shines not a cloud in the sky

Everybody’s a friend, you just gotta say hi!

Today we all gather with old and new friends.

To celebrate Westfield, the fun never ends.

We sing out loud, with passion and pride.

You know how it goes, it’s the Westfield jive!

Hands in the air, stomp your feet.

Shake your hands, clap to the beat.

Put your hand on your heart

Now wave your hand in the air.

Get ready to cheer. For our Town Mayor!

l’m Lily Banolly, the star of this place.

l’m the director, remember my face.

l’m pretty, l’m perfect You’re a work of art!

We’re here for this meeting, now let’s make a start.

We have a new family arriving today.

We must be prepared, no time to delay

Always remember perfection is key

Let’s give a warm welcome

To the Addams family!

We Should Be Friends

Parker: Wednesday, we should be friends

 I know were different but oh wel1, who cares!

Wednesday, turn your frown upside down,

Come on, take my hand

 I’ll show you around.

Wednesday: Parker, come on, let’s not pretend

I never asked you to be my friend.

I know we’re different and that’s okay.

Parker, move! Get out of my way.

Parker: Wednesday, dont walk away

I have an idea, let’s make a handshake

Wednesday: No!

Parker: I am Wednesday and I am no fun

Wednesday: I am Parker, it’s all about me,

My life is so perfect), don’t you agree?

You smiled                     No?

You smiled                      No!

I think you did?

You smiled You did

That means I win!

I didn’t. Did not! Urgh.

Parker: Did we just become best friends?

Wednesday: What ?!

Parker: I think we just became best friends!

Wednesdav: What is this feeling. It can’t be true

Parker: I think it’s called friendship

Wednesday: And I blame you!

Parker: Come on, Wednesday, we should be friends.

I know were different but oh well, who cares

Wednesday: Who cares!

Parker: We should exchange bows!

Wednesday: I don’t think so, no!

Parker: Just trust me, we’ll learn from each other

Wednesday: Fine.

Parker:You look so good!

Wednesday: You look so good!

Parker: Here’s to our adventure for two,

I can’t believe I found a friend like you!

Stick Together

Wednesday: There was a time

when everyone used to make me mad

Parker: Calm down, but now you have

 a really cool friend.

Wednesday & Parker: You know what, l’m pretty darn glad.

Ms Banolly: There were times when I felt so scared

and no one would help me.

Gomez: Don’t worry Lily, because you are a part of the

Addams Famíly

ALL: Whatever the weather, we must remember Families always stick together.


Put your arms in the air, like you just don’t care

Turn it around, and scream out loud  Argh!

Whatever the weather, we must remember,

families always stick together

You may be different and that’s okay

Just like the Addams Family

Salida al teatro Flumen

El día 28 de febrero, los alumnos de 5.º y 6.º, acompañados de Luis, Mª Eugenia y Pedro hicieron una salida a Valencia, al teatro Flumen, donde la compañía Latourné Teatro representó la obra musical basada en las Crónicas de Narnia, The Lion, the Witchand the Wardrobe, que previamente habían trabajado en la clase de Anglés.

Como llegaron pronto, fueron a un parque próximo para almorzar. Como podéis ver se lo pasaron muy bien.

Al llegar la hora entraron al teatro y esta vez los sentaron en la primera fila, donde no se perdieron ningún detalle.

La obra fue muy entretenida y divertida, y los actores lo hicieron muy bien

Y al acabar la representación, se produjo un coloquio en el que todos los asistentes pudieron preguntar a los actores cosas sobre la obra, el oficio de actor, sus vidas o sus preferencias.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

El martes día 28 iremos al teatro Flumen para ver la representación de esta obra. Aquí tenéis las canciones por si queréis practicar:

Song 1: Let’s play

– Wow, this house is amazing

– It’s really big

– Really boring

– Why don’t we see what else is here?

– Maybe somewhere to disappear.

– No, because you will end up in tears. Don’t worry, there’s nothing to fear.

– Let’s move these things and make a space to play

– For adventures

– And fun all day

– Let’s be pirates sailing on the sea

– Or aliens. Look, it’s me, E.T.

– Or pretend we’re planes flying through the sky

– No, it’s time for me to say goodbye

– As long as we’re together, nothing can go wrong,

brothers and sisters playing all day long.

– All I’ve ever wanted is to go to a magical place

– Who knows, maybe you will someday.

Come on everybody, let’s jump and turn around,

come on shake your body, move and touch the ground.

It’s time to party, to the sounds.

– Everyone fly

– Don’t be loud

– I know, I’ll hide in…

Song 2: Welcome to Narnia

– Welcome to the world, the world of Narnia, a kingdom ruled by an evil queen,

the scariest you’ve ever seen. Follow me and you will see, come on, take my hand

– I go with you, I want to see, this magical land.

– Magical creatures, ice and snow, and dangerous roads that you don’t know.

I will help and be your friend, even though it’s just pretend.

– This world is scary

– The White Witch is out there

– This world is scary

– The White Witch is out there.

– Let’s go to my house. You will be safe there.

– Why?

– There are spies in the trees

– The trees?

– Come on, Lucy, please, the White Witch has cast a spell, and now it’s cold as ice.

It’s always winter, but never Christmas.

– But that’s not very nice

– Follow me and you will see, come on, take my hand

– I’ll go with you, I want to see this magical land.

– Now stand up, boys and girls, everyone, stand up and repeat after me, one, two, three:

Magic (magic), ice and snow (ice and snow), White Witch (White Witch), Narnia (Narnia),

Magic (magic), ice and snow (ice and snow), White Witch (White Witch), Narnia (Narnia)

Now come on, Lucy, come with me to my house. You’ll be safe there. Oh, and Lucy, welcome to Narnia.

Song 3: The White Witch

– Now listen here. It’s simple. If you don’t do what I say

then I’ll have to make you pay.

I am the White Witch, I reign all over this land.

I have great power, it glows from out of my hands

You’ll never stop me, or I’ll make you freeze.

All who live in Narnia, feel my evil stare

there is no escape, watch, I am ruling here.

You all must bow, before me now.

If you try to run away, I will always find you.

There’s no one here in Narnia who is brave enough to

I am the White Witch and you must do everything I say.

If you disobey me, I will make you pay.

Now everyone, are you ready?

Everyone repeat ice, everyone repeat queen, everyone repeat power

if you don’t you’ll freeeeeeeze.

Song 4: The Last Battle

– We must stand and fight. But more importantly, we must all stick together.

– Well said, Peter

– Come on, let’s do it

 – Today is the day we fight for Narnia…

– To stand against the witch, for everyone to be free, yeah

– Deep in our hearts we must all believe

a world that’s not from sun where we can all live as one.

All we need to take is a giant leap of faith.

– We need your help. Stand up everyone and repeat after us.

-Ok, everyone repeat:

-Down with the witch…

Let’s be free…       

We must believe…

In you and me…

Down with the witch…

Let’s be free…       

We must believe…


– Hide!